264.7.3 Hydraulic Plumbing – ElectricallyTeedWARNING!From this point in the installation thebooms will be inoperative until theelectronics are fully installed.1. After the NORAC valves are mounted,the hydraulic hoses and fittings can beplumbed. The plumbing for the hydrauliccircuit is shown schematically in Figure4.2. Tee in pressure (“P”) and tank (“T”)lines to the NORAC valve block.3. The existing hoses that run to the boomtilt cylinders should be disconnectedfrom the sprayer valve block andreconnected to the NORAC valveblock.a) The raise lines from the boom tiltcylinders must be connected to the“B” ports of the NORAC valve block.The ports on the sprayer block mustthen be plugged/capped.b) If the sprayer is Dual Acting, the “A”ports of the NORAC block must beconnected to the “lower” lines of thecylinders. The ports on the sprayerblock must then be plugged/capped.c) If the sprayer is Single Acting, the “A”ports on the NORAC block areplugged. The lower lines of thecylinders can remain attached to thesprayer valve block.4.7.4 Hydraulic Plumbing –Hydraulically Teed1. Follow Figure 7 to plumb the hydrauliccomponents.2. Tee in the pressure (“P”) and tank (“T”)lines to the NORAC valve block.3. The existing hoses that run to the boomtilt cylinders should be disconnectedfrom the sprayer valve block and teedinto the NORAC valve block.4. The “raise” lines from the boom tiltcylinders must be connected to the “B”ports of the NORAC valve block.a) If the sprayer is Dual Acting, the “A”ports of the NORAC block must beconnected to the “lower” lines of thecylinders.b) If the sprayer is Single Acting, the “A”ports on the NORAC block areplugged. The “lower” lines can remainattached to the sprayer valve block.