54 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE4.1 DETERMINING THE S TYLE OFI NSTALLATIONIn general, there are two styles ofinstallation that can be done with theNORAC UC4+ Spray Height Controlsystem System: Electrically Teed Installationand Hydraulically Teed Installation.4.1.1 Electrically Teed InstallationElectrically Teed Installation is the preferredstyle of installation. However, this style canbe done only if the sprayer valve block hasindividual electrical wiring to control eachboom function (e.g. left up, left down, rightup, right down, main up, and main down).Figure 3 and Figure 4 show theElectrically Teed installation inits general installationconfiguration.Figure 2: Electrical Wiring Applicable for Electrically Teed Installation