244.7.3 Hydraulic PlumbingWARNING!From this point in the installation thebooms will be inoperative until theelectronics are fully installed.1. After the NORAC valves are mounted, thehydraulic hoses and fittings can be plumbed.The plumbing for the hydraulic circuit isshown schematically in Figure 3.2. Tee hose H70 into the port on the priorityvalve labeled EF. This is located on the lefthand side, under the rear corner of the caboutside the frame. Use the 12FORXOR-12MORT Tee fitting (F11) (Figure 32).Figure 32 - Secondary Pressure Line(H70) (teed into the priority valve EFport)3. Route hose H70 to the NORAC valveblock, following existing hoses.4. Attach the 6FORXR-6MORT tee fittings(F10) to the P and T ports on the NORACValve block.5. Attach hose (H70) to the 6FORXR-6MORTtee fitting (F10) in the P port on theNORAC valve block.6. Tee hose H71 into the inlet on the sprayer’shydraulic in-line filter using a 6FORXR-6MORT tee fitting (F10). (Figure 33)Figure 33 - Secondary Tank Line (H71)(teed into the tank return near the in-linefilter)The load-sense return line (also teedinto the in-line filter) has an orificebetween the fittings. Ensure theorifice is located in a manner that itwill not restrict the flow of the newtank line (H71). In Figure 34,illustration A shows the originalplumbing of the load sense return andorifice. B and C show two options forinstallation of the tee fitting.Tee Fitting(F10)Hose H71In-line Filter