436 APPENDIX A - INTERFACE CABLE MODIFICATION PROCEDURESome earlier models of John Deere sprayers(4700 and 4710) may use a different style ofboom valve block with a different arrangementof the connectors. As a result, the NORAC44658-01 interface cable (C12) will need to bemodified according to the following instructions(See Figure 51 and Figure 52 for before andafter schematics):1. Using the supplied GP Weatherpack pintool, carefully remove the blue/black wiretee (Main Down) from the A-position of the4-pin flat connector tee (S4B & T4B). Theblue wire is attached to a black wire thatgoes across the tee connection (removeboth ends of this tee).2. Insert blue/black wire tee from step 1 intothe A-position of the 6-pin flat connectors,M14 and M15 (S6C & T6C), that aresupplied in the zip lock bag with the cable(these connectors are keyed on the A and Fposition).3. Locate and remove the green wire (Left Up)from the A-position of the 6-pin flat shroud(S6B). Also remove the 5 black wires fromthis tee (S6B & T6B). Use these 5 wires totee the remaining positions of the two 6-pinconnectors (S6C & T6C) used in step 2together (BB, CC., DD… etc).Remove the cavity plug from the A-positionof T6B for use in step 4. After this step,there will be 2 unused 6-pin flat connectors.4. Remove the black wire that goes across theconnection in the A-position of the 4-pinsquare tee with the red wire (Right Up) inthe C-position (S4C & T4C). Insert thegreen wire (Left Up) from step 3 into the A-position of the 4-pin shroud (S4C). Seal theA-position on the 4-pin tower (T4C) withthe cavity plug removed in step 3.5. Locate and remove the brown wire (LeftDown) from the A-position of the 6-pin flatshroud (S6A). Remove the black wire thatgoes across the connection in the A-positionof the 4-pin flat tee with the white wire(Right Down) in the C-position (S4D &T4D). Insert the brown wire (Left Down)into the A-position of the 4-pin shroud(S4D). A cavity plug will be removed in step6 that may be used to seal the empty cavitycreated when removing the black wire fromthe 4-pin flat tower (T4D).6. Locate and remove the black wire (Main Up)from the 4-pin square connector tee (S4A &T4A). This black wire is attached to a blacktee wire similar to the wire described instep 1. Insert black wire into the A-positionof the 6-pin flat assembly removed in step 5(S6A & T6A). This will require removing thecavity plug installed in the A-position of the6-pin tower (T6A). The cavity plug can thenbe used to seal the empty socket created instep 5.7. The cable modifications are complete.There should be 2 unused 6-pin flatconnectors, 2 black wires, an incomplete 4-pin square tee and an incomplete 4-pin flattee left over.8. Connect the modified harness to the sprayeras indicated in Figure 53.