104 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE4.1 EXISTING SYSTEM CHECKIt is necessary to check the existing system’sfunctionality before installing the UC4+Spray Height Control system.1. Drive your sprayer onto a flat piece ofland, with unobstructed boom movement(e.g. no power lines).2. Test that all boom functions operatecorrectly. As you test each functioncheck it off in Table 6.It is necessary to test the boomfunctions in all directionsTable 6 – Hydraulic System FunctionCheck SheetBOOMFOLDINFOLDOUT UP DOWNLEFTMAINRIGHTROLL* N/A N/A* Some sprayers may not have this function.4.2 BOOM S PEED TESTIMPORTANT:Raise/lower all boom sections severaltimes to warm up the hydraulic system.Grease all moving parts for consistentresults.1. Lower each boom and main section asclose to the ground as possible.2. Set your sprayer at field working RPMon the throttle and mark this value inTable 7.You will need a stopwatch or awatch that displays “seconds” forthe next step.3. Raise the LEFT boom from its extremeLOW position to the very TOP of itstravel. Record the time this takes inTable 7, “Trial #1” for “Left UP”.4. Lower the LEFT boom from its extremeHIGH position to the BOTTOM of itstravel. Record this time in Table 7,Trial #1, for “Left DOWN”.Be careful when lowering thebooms so they don’t hit theground.5. Similarly, record two more time trials(Trial #2 & #3) for the LEFT boom andrecord in Table 7.6. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 for theRIGHT, MAIN and ROLL functions.Your sprayer may not have a rollfeature.7. Average the three trials recorded foreach boom movement and record thiscalculation in the “Average Time” slot inTable 7.8. These “Average Times” now representhow quickly your system can react tomanual control. In Section 4.8, thisprocedure is repeated with the UC4+Spray Height Control system installedfor comparison and troubleshootingpurposes.