135 CALIBRATING THE SLANT VALVE5.1 O VERVIEWThere are two key settings for each valvedirection. These settings are valve DeadZone,"DZ", and valve GAIN, "KP".The DeadZone ("DZ") setting represents the sizeof electrical signal required at the solenoid valveto cause a boom speed of one inch per second(Section 5.2).The GAIN ("KP") setting is inversely related tothe maximum speed of the boom. That is, thefaster the boom the lower the GAIN setting(Section 5.3).IMPORTANT:Before you start setting up the slant valve,ensure you complete the following steps.1. Unfold the sprayer in a location that isrelatively level, and where the sensors areover bare soil or gravel. Do not conduct thesetup procedure over standing crop, or tallweeds/grass.2. Check the pads between the sprayer boomand the boom carrier frame to ensure nofriction because of wear. Use grease or otherlubricants, if necessary. This is importantand will increase the UC4+ Spray HeightControl system performance significantly.3. Start the solution pump and run the sprayer’sengine at a normal working RPM for theentire setup. Make sure that you canmanually adjust the height of all your booms.For best results, the hydraulic system shouldbe under a normal load and at a normalworking temperature. An effective way towarm the oil is to cycle all boom sections upand down manually for 5 minutes. Longerwarm up times may be required in coldweather. For pull-type sprayers, ensure anyhydraulic flow controls are adjusted fornormal field operation. Changing the flowcontrols during or after the setup will affectthe UC4+ operation.Table 3 – Roll Channel SETUP MenusNavigating past the end of the menu willreturn the panel to the Setup…”More” MenuRoll OnUInforms you that the roll valvechannel is ON. To change thestatus to OFF, use the " +/- "switch.DZ 20Informs you that the roll cw(clockwise) DeadZone setting is20. To adjust the reading use the "+/- " switch.KP 10Informs you that the roll cw GAINsetting is 10. To adjust thereading use the " +/- " switch.DZ 20Informs you that the roll ccw(counter clockwise) DeadZonesetting is 20. To adjust thereading use the " +/- " switch.KP 10Informs you that the roll ccwGAIN setting is 10. To adjust thereading use the " +/- " switch.Navigating past the end of the menu willreturn the panel to the Setup…”More” Menu