204.6.3 Hydraulic PlumbingWARNING!From this point in the installation the boomswill be inoperative until the electronics arefully installed.1. After the NORAC valves are mounted, thehydraulic hoses and fittings can be plumbed.The plumbing for the hydraulic circuit isshown schematically in Figure 3.2. Remove the hoses that run between the capend of the hydraulic tilt cylinder and the steelline from the valve block.3. Where the hoses were disconnected from thesteel lines, install a 6MJP fitting (F10) intothe steel line.4. Connect hose H04 to each of the cap ends ofthe hydraulic tilt cylinders. Route the hosestowards the center of the boom, near thevalve block.5. Install the 6MJT fitting (F05) between thetwo hoses (H04).6. Attach hose H05 to the remaining connectionof the tee (F05).7. Install 6FJXR 6MJT fittings (F04) onto the Pand T ports on the NORAC valve block.8. Install a second 6FJXR 6MJT fitting (F04)onto the tee previously installed into the Tport on the NORAC valve block.9. Connect hose H05 to one of the tee fittingson the NORAC T port.10. Remove the Pressure hose from the SpraCoupe valve block.11. Install the Spra Coupe pressure hose onto thetee fitting, installed at the NORAC P port.12. Install a 6MJ 6FJX90 fitting (F03) onto thePressure connection at the Spra Coupe valveblock.13. Connect hose H02 to the Spra CoupePressure port and route the other end to theNORAC valve block. Install the hose ontothe tee installed in the P port on the NORACvalve block.14. Remove the tank line from the Spra Coupevalve block.15. Attach the tank line to one of the tee fittingsinstalled at the NORAC T port.16. Install hose H02 onto one of the tee fittingsinstalled at the NORAC T port.17. Route the free end of hose H02 to the SpraCoupe valve block.18. Install a 6MJ 6FJX90 fitting (F03) onto theSpra Coupe Tank port.19. Install hose H02 onto the 6MJ 6FJX90 fittingon the Spra Coupe tank port.20. Install a 6MJ 6FJX90 fitting onto each of theB ports on the NORAC valve block.21. Attach hose H03 to the B ports and route thefree end of the hoses to the end of the SprayCoupe steel lines. These are located towardsthe outer portion of the center section frame.22. Disconnect the connection where the flexline and steel line meet. Be sure this is theline that connects to the gold accumulatorblock at the tilt cylinder.23. Install a 6FJXR 6MJT fitting (F04) onto thesteel line and then attach the flex line to thetee fitting.