63.3 CABLESThe power cable supplies 12 volt D.C. negative ground power to the controlpanel and sensors. The system will function properly with a supply between12 and 28 volts and may draw up to 10 amperes during normal operation.The UC4+ control panel contains intelligent valve drive circuitry that helpsto protect the sprayer’s system against short circuits and other wiringproblems. However, it is still recommended to connect the UC4+ powercable to a fused supply, that turns on and off with the ignition key of thesprayer/tractor. For more information on cables, please see the UC4+Installation Manual3.4 CONTROL P ANELThe UC4+ control panel (Figure 5) is the main component of the UC4+Spray Height Control system. The control panel uses the readings from theultrasonic sensors to control solenoid operated valves that in turn adjust theboom height. The control panel will:(1) indicate when the system is in AUTOMATIC or MANUAL mode,(2) indicate any hydraulic action which is underway(3) accept input to adjust all control system settings.Figure 5 – UC4+ Control PanelLCDSCREEN+/- SWITCHAUTO/MANUALSWITCHPOWERSWITCHSENSORDISPLAY/SETUPSWITCH