42.2 John Deere 46301. Securely mount the control module (E01) inside the sprayer cab.2. Tee the CAN-bus interface cable (C40) in to the John Deere CAN-bus. The John DeereCAN-bus connection can be found in the right hand armrest. The connector is a 4 pinDeutsch plug labeled “CAN 2”.3. Connect the 6 pin Deutsch plug on cable C40 to the end of the control module with only oneDeutsch connector.4. For self propelled sprayers, a specific power cable (C30) is included in the UC5 Spray HeightControl kit, in addition to the generic power cable included in this display kit. You may useeither cable for the installation.5. Connect the power cable (C30) to one of the two CAN-bus connectors on the control module.Connect the other end of the power cable to the auxiliary power outlet or a 15A, +12 VDCsource.6. Connect cable C01 to the other CAN-bus connector and route the cable towards the rear ofthe sprayer.Figure 2: GS2 2600 Display Kit – 4630 Sprayer