BIS-6330A Digital Signage Player52.2.3 USB3.0(USB1/2)BIS-6330A provides 2x USB3.0, compatible with USB2.0, PnP support.Pin Signal Name1 VCC_USB12 USBD_N03 USBD_P04 GND5 USB3 RX1 R DN6 USB3_RX1_R_DP7 GND8 USB3_TX1_R_DN9 USB3_TX1_R_DP10 VCC_USB111 USBD_N112 USBD_P113 GND14 USB3_RX2_R_DN15 USB3_RX2_R_DP16 GND17 USB3_TX2_R_DN18 USB3_TX2_R_DP2.2.4 Ethernet(LAN)BIS-6330A provides 1x RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet LAN Port with its pins defined as below. LILED& ACTLED are the green LED and Yellow LED on both sides of the port, indicating the status ofthe LAN port.RJ45 LAN LED Status:LILED(GREEN) Function ACTLED(YELLOW) FunctionFlash Effective link On Data transferOff Non-effective link/Close Off No data2.2.5 HDMIBIS-6330A provides 1x HDMI port to transfer uncompressed audio signal and HD video signal