SHB-970 Industrial Full Size CPU Card13Signal Name Pin Signal NameGP30 1 2 VCCGP31 3 4 GP34GP32 5 6 GP35GP33 7 8 GP36GND 9 10 GP372.4.9 Keyboard & Mouse Connector(KM)KB/MS is a 6Pin Mini DIN socket for both the keyboard and mouse, to connect to keyboard andmouse simultaneously with a 1 to 2 PS/2 cable. Board also provides one 5Pin keyboard interfaceand one 5Pin Mouse interface, which need to be converted to standard KB/MS interface with anadapter cable, so as to connect keyboard and mouse.PS2(MKB):Pin Signal Name1 KB_DATA2 MS_DATA3 GND4 +5V5 KB_CLK6 MS_CLKKB1:Pin Signal Name1 KB_CLK2 KB_DATA3 NCMKBKB/MS