©2005 Nordic ID OyNordic ID PL3000 user manual, v. 2.4, March 2006 416.1.5 Command promptCommand prompt opens the command prompt window. Open the Command prompt window from Startmenu, Program menu, Command prompt.Fig.42 Command prompt window6.1.6 Internet explorerAs default the PL3000 has Internet Explorer 6.0. This is used for browsing the Internet or for utilising web-based applications.Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 for Windows CEInternet Explorer 6.0 (IE) allows you to view content from HTTP servers and HTML files. These can eitherbe stored in the PL3000 or they may be accessed through a network connection. This browser works verymuch like its desktop counterpart, so any user familiar with other Internet Explorer versions should feelright at home. Please note that some form of connection to the Internet is needed in order to browse anyweb pages from the Internet. If your PC has an Internet connection set up, all you have to do is set up anActiveSync connection, and you can navigate the web with the PL3000. There are also more complicatedways of connecting to the Internet involving WLAN-cards. Contact your network administrator for moreinformation about how such network resources are set-up at your location.