15HOW TO USE THE MANUAL MODEInsert the key into the console.Refer to GETTING STARTED on page 14.Select the manual mode.When the key is inserted, the manual mode willautomatically be selected. If a program or theiFIT.com mode has been selected, press theMODE button repeatedly until the main display ap-pears as shown below.Press the START button or the SPEED + buttonto start the walking belt.A moment after the button is pressed, the walkingbelt will begin to move at 1 mph. Hold the handrailsand begin walking.As you exercise,change the speed ofthe walking belt as de-sired by pressing theSPEED + and –buttons. Each time abutton is pressed, the speed setting will changeby 0.1 mph; if a button is held down, the speedsetting will change in increments of 0.5 mph. Thespeed range is 0.5 mph to 8 mph. (When the in-cline setting is 20% or higher, the speed range is0.5 mph to 6 mph.) Note: After the buttons arepressed, it may take a moment for the INCLINETRAINER to reach the selected speed setting.To stop the walking belt, press the STOP button.The time will begin to flash in the main display. Torestart the walking belt, press the START button orthe SPEED + button and then adjust the speed asdesired.Change the incline of the INCLINE TRAINER asdesired.To change the incline ofthe INCLINE TRAINER,press the INCLINE +and – buttons. Eachtime a button ispressed, the incline will change by 0.5%. Tochange the incline quickly, press the QUICK IN-CLINE buttons. The incline range is -5% to 50%.Note: After the buttons are pressed, it may take amoment for the INCLINE TRAINER to reach the se-lected incline setting.Follow your progress with the matrix and themain display.The matrix—Whenthe manual mode orthe iFIT.com mode isselected, the matrixwill display a 1/4-miletrack. As you exer-cise, the indicatorsaround the track will light in sequence to show yourposition on the track. Each time you complete a1/4-mile lap, a new lap will begin.The main display—The main display will showthe following information:Incline—The left end ofthe main display willshow the incline level ofthe INCLINE TRAINER.Pace/Time—When themanual mode or theiFIT.com mode is se-lected, this section of themain display will showthe elapsed time. Whena preset program or a pulse-driven program is se-lected, the display will show the time remaining inthe program and the time remaining in the currentsegment of the program. The display will changefrom one number to the other every seven sec-onds. During the fitness test program, the displaywill show the elapsed time and the time remainingin the current segment of the program. Note: Anytime that the speed setting changes, the displaywill show your current pace (in minutes per mile)for seven seconds.Distance/VerticalFeet—The center sec-tion of the main displaywill show the distancethat you have walkedand the number of verti-cal feet you have climbed. The display will changefrom one number to the other every seven seconds.54321