24Press the ENTER AGE/WT button again tocheck for system errors.If there are no system errors, the words NO SYS-TEM ERRORS will appear in the main display. Ifthe words LUBRICATE DECK appear in the maindisplay, the walking platform should be checkedfor adequate lubricant. Follow the instructions instep 4 on page 29 to lubricate the walking platformif necessary. Then, refer to HOW TO RESET THELUBE REMINDER on page 25. If the words IN-CLINE OVERHEAT ERROR appear in the maindisplay, press the RESET button. If the same sys-tem error appears repeatedly, call Customer Caretoll-free at 1-800-201-2109.Press the ENTER AGE/WT button again andenable or disable the lubrication reminder.The console can be set to display the words LU-BRICATE DECK every five minutes when thewalking platform needs to be lubricated. Press the+ or – button beside the ENTER AGE/WT buttonuntil the words LUBE REMINDER ENABLED ap-pear in the main display. To turn off the lubricationreminder, press the + or – button until the wordsLUBE REMINDER DISABLED appear.Press the ENTER AGE/WT button again andenable or disable the safety key.To require the use of the safety key with the con-sole, press the + or – button beside the ENTERAGE/WT button until the words SAFETY KEY EN-ABLED appear in the main display. To allow theINCLINE TRAINER to be used without the key,press the + or – button until the words SAFETYKEY DISABLED appear. CAUTION: If the safetykey is missing or damaged, call Customer Caretoll-free at 1-800-201-2109, Monday throughFriday, 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Mountain Time.If you have the Basic console, go to step 16. Ifyou have the Workout TV console, go to step12.Press the ENTER AGE/WT button again andenable or disable the TV.To make the TV available for use, press the + or –button beside the ENTER AGE/WT button until thewords TV POWER ON appear in the main display.To prevent the TV from being used, press the + or– button until the words TV POWER OFF appear.If you have disabled the TV, go to step 16. Ifyou have enabled the TV, go to step 13.Press the ENTER AGE/WT button again andselect a cable TV connection or an antennaconnection.If you are using a cable TV connection, press the +or – button beside the ENTER AGE/WT buttonuntil the words TV MODE CABLE STATIONS ap-pear in the main display. If you are using an an-tenna connection, press the + or – button until thewords TV MODE AIR STATIONS appear.Press the ENTER AGE/WT button again andprogram TV channels.The console has the capability to find and store inmemory all of the valid TV channels in your area.While the words PRESS CHANNEL UP TO SCANTV CHANNELS are scrolling across the main dis-play, press the CHANNEL + button to start thechannel scanning process.91011121314