10MUSCLE CHARTA. Sternomastoid (neck)B. Pectoralis Major (chest)C. Biceps (front of arm)D. Obliques (waist)E. Brachioradials (forearm)F. Hip Flexors (upper thigh)G. Abductor (outer thigh)H. Quadriceps (front of thigh)I. Sartorius (front of thigh)J. Tibialis Anterior (front of calf)K. Soleus (front of calf)L. Rectus Abdominus (stomach)M. Adductor (inner thigh)N. Trapezius (upper back)O. Rhomboideus (upper back)P. Deltoid (shoulder)Q. Triceps (back of arm)R. Latissimus Dorsi (mid back)S. Spinae Erectors (lower back)T. Gluteus Medius (hip)U. Gluteus Maximus (buttocks)V. Hamstring (back of leg)W. Gastrocnemius (back of calf)NOPQRSTUWVMLJGFHIKECDBANote: “#” indicates a non-illustrated part. Specifications are subject to change without notice. See the back coverof the user’s manual for information about ordering replacement parts.Key No. Qty. Description Key No. Qty. DescriptionPart List—Model No. NTBE04900 R1000A1 2 Front Upright2 1 Left Base3 4 Upper Support Plate4 2 Short Weight Rest5 4 1 1/2” x 2 1/2” Outer Cap6 32 3/8” x 3 1/2” Bolt7 1 Right Base8 1 Rear Base9 2 2 1/2” Square Inner Cap10 4 2” Round Inner Cap11 32 3/8” Nylon Locknut12 4 Adjustment Knob13 4 Lower Support Plate14 4 Weight Storage Tube15 2 Rear Upright16 2 Small Support Plate17 8 Weight Rest Bushing18 1 Crossbar19 2 Long Weight Rest# 1 User’s Manual# 1 Exercise Guide