EN- 24 -BEFORE CALLING SERVICEPART 6.ERROR DISPLAY ERROR TYPE REMARK DO’sand audible warningError warningOne or more equipmentof the product has beendeactivated or there iscooling problem.Contact a service assoon as possible.Freezer departmentis not cold enoughMay arise due to long-period energy cut-offor failure of coolingequipment.1. In case of meltedproduct incompartment, do notrefill and consume upas soon as possible.2. Until temperature ofcompartment returnsto normal (warningdisappears), operatein a lower temperatureor in Super FreezeMode.3. Do not place freshfood in compartmentunless this warningdisappears.Freezer departmentis not cold enoughCooler has lost its idealtemperature.1. Until temperature ofcompartment returnsto normal (warningdisappears), operatein a lower temperatureor in Super CoolMode.2. Do not open door untilthis error disappears.Cooler compartmentis overcool.Our product in coolercompartment are in riskof freezing.1. If Super Cool isactive, cancel it.2. Operate under lowersetting value.Mains voltage hasdecreased under170V.This is not an error, it isintended for warning andprecaution.When mains voltagerestores to normalvalue, the warning willdisappear.-Check Warnings;Your fridge warns you if the temperatures for cooler and freezer are in improper levels orwhen a problem occurs in the appliance. You can see these warnings on the indicator display.