Color Change – Spray to WasteColorMax ® System With Encore® HD Feed CenterColorMax System With Encore HD Feed CenterColor Change Tasks - Cyclone Side OperatorStop spraying powder after the last part passes the operatorstationstation.Clean the exterior of the spray gun and place the gun in theholder, so it is pointing into the booth.Close and latch the operator door.M t th F d C tMove to the Feed CenterRemove the powder lance from the hopper and insert it into thepurge chute.LanceTurn OFF the bulk feed (if equipped) and reclaim pumps.Purge ChuteTurn OFF the bulk feed (if equipped) and reclaim pumps.Turn OFF the sieve.Disconnect the bulk feed and reclaim hoses from the sieve andt th t th t b th b k llconnect them to the purge stubs on the back wall.Remove the siphon hose from the bulk powder supply andconnect it to the purge holder. Purge StubsUnclamp the sieve deck and turn the pan chute so it points towardthe back of the feed center.Re-clamp the deck. Pan ChuteTurn ON the reclaim pump.Turn ON the Color Change switch to start the automatic gunblowoff /all guns purge cycle.Di t th fl idi i i t bi f th f d hDisconnect the fluidizing air tubing from the feed hopper.Remove the level sensor from the feed hopper.Blow off the lid of the feed hopper.Remove the feed hopper from the feed center.Level SensorppBlow off the lance, the purge chute, and the ceiling, walls, andfl f th f d tFluidizing Tubingfloor of the feed center.When the other operator is done cleaning the inside of the booth,Turn OFF the reclaim pump.1© 2013 Nordson Corporation. All Rights Reserved. TC-13-15