LA 404 Pattern Control System2Part 1037527B ! 2005 Nordson CorporationManual 66-LA404-MA-01Responsibilities of the Equipment OwnerEquipment owners are responsible for managing safety information,ensuring that all instructions and regulatory requirements for use of theequipment are met, and for qualifying all potential users.Safety Information" Research and evaluate safety information from all applicable sources,including the owner-specific safety policy, best industry practices,governing regulations, material manufacturer’s product information, andthis document." Make safety information available to equipment users in accordancewith governing regulations. Contact the authority having jurisdiction forinformation." Maintain safety information, including the safety labels affixed to theequipment, in readable condition.Instructions, Requirements, and Standards" Ensure that the equipment is used in accordance with the informationprovided in this document, governing codes and regulations, and bestindustry practices." If applicable, receive approval from your facility’s engineering or safetydepartment, or other similar function within your organization, beforeinstalling or operating the equipment for the first time." Provide appropriate emergency and first aid equipment." Conduct safety inspections to ensure required practices are beingfollowed." Re-evaluate safety practices and procedures whenever changes aremade to the process or equipment.