20If this water heater will be installed in an application where the supply water is hard, the water must betreated with either a water softener, which removes the hardness, or by using sequestering agents, suchas the Noritz Scale Shield, that reduce the amount of scale deposits. Refer to the below tables for sug-gested treatment and maintenance measures to be taken based on the water hardness level. Damage tothe water heater as a result of water in excess of 12 gpg (200 mg/L) of hardness is not covered by theNoritz America Limited Warranty.Note: When installing a water softener, consult with the manufacturer for proper sizing and installationguidelines; the below diagram is for reference only. For more information about Scale Shield, contactNoritz America at 866-766-7489.Water TreatmentWater Treatment SystemCity Water SupplyPressureReliefValveHot Water to FixturesShutoff ValveDrainCold to WaterHeaterOptional SedimentFilterWater Treatment DeviceShutoff ValveType of WaterHardnessLevelTreatmentDeviceFlushFrequency* Type of WaterHardnessLevelTreatmentDeviceFlushFrequency*Soft 0-1 gpg1-3 gpg(0-17 mg/L) None None NoneNoneNoneNoneSlightly Hard (17-51 mg/L) None NoneModeratelyHardHard3-7 gpg(51-120 mg/L) ScaleShield Once a Year Once a YearTwice a YearOnce a Year7-10 gpg(120-171 mg/L) ScaleShieldVery Hard 10-14 gpg(171-239 mg/L)WaterSoftener SoftenerRequiredExtremelyHardSoftSlightly HardModeratelyHardHardVery HardExtremelyHard> 14 gpg(> 239 mg/L)0-1 gpg1-3 gpg(0-17 mg/L)(17-51 mg/L)3-7 gpg(51-120 mg/L)7-10 gpg(120-171 mg/L)10-14 gpg(171-239 mg/L)> 14 gpg(> 239 mg/L)WaterSoftenerSoftenerRequiredWaterSoftener SoftenerRequiredWaterSoftenerSoftenerRequired* Install Noritz Isolation Valves to allow for flushing.WaterSoftenerSuggestedWaterSoftenerSuggested*****Install Noritz Isolation Valves to allow for flushing.**Flushing is required if a water softener is not installed.Residential Use Treatment Guidelines Commercial Use Treatment GuidelinesNORITZGas WaterHeater