Using a Velocimeter 25© 2018 Nortek ASYou may supply power with the external supply that is delivered with the systems, or you can useyour own external supply. If using your own supply, make sure the voltage does not exceed thevoltage specification for the instrument.The power and battery lines are diode protected, so you do not have to worry about wiring theinstrument power backwards - this will not damage your instrument.Vector power range: DC input 9-15 VDCIf you want to use an internal battery as a backup battery: The instrument will pick the power sourcewith the highest Voltage. If using an external supply of 15 VDC and an internal battery of 13.5 V, theexternal supply provides a higher voltage than the battery pack, which prevents the internal packfrom discharging. Then, if external power fails, the internal battery pack takes over and sustainsoperation.Internal batteries (optional)The internal battery pack is located inside the pressure case, and enables autonomous (stand-alone)deployments. It also provides backup power in the event of failure of the external supply. Note thatthe battery pack inside the pressure case is disconnected when sent from Nortek.Nortek alkaline battery packs use 18 AA cell batteries at a nominal starting voltage of 13.5 VDC. Thevoltage of alkaline batteries falls quickly at the beginning, slowly during most of its life, then againquickly at the end. Thus, a 13.5 VDC battery pack will spend most of its life somewhere in a voltagerange of 10.5-12.5 VDC.Refer to the Changing a battery pack section for instructions on how to connect or change a batterypack.The Vector power and/or battery lines are diode protected wiring the Vector power backwards will notdamage your instrument.Internal Hardware (Electronics Module)The signal processing hardware generates the signal that is converted to acoustic energy at thetransducers, it digitizes the return signal and runs the Doppler processing that results in velocityestimates before it is outputted to the recorder or to a PC.RecorderThe instrument comes standard with a 9MB recorder. There are options for 4 and 16GB recorders.Additional FraturesAnalog inputs and Synchronizing Vectors2.1.2 Instrument softwareThe software is designed to aid in the planning, execution, recovery and exporting data of stand-alone Vector deployments. It also contains an on-line section, including all functions required tooperate the Vector in real-time applications. The Vector program can be found on the flash disk thatcame with the instrument, or on the Nortek web site: NortekWindows programs run on all versions since XP (SP3), including Windows 8.Software Help: An on-line help system is integrated in the software; containing answers to allquestions you may have on how to use the software. Click Help > Help Topics.It is emphasized that the Vector program is not primarily designed for rapid data collection at highsampling rates or for controlling multiple Vectors. For these types of measurements, we insteadrecommend using CollectV for Vector.Installing the Vector PC Software