Hardware architecture 43Figure 16Eight segments per superloopIntelligent Peripheral EquipmentUsing pulse code modulation (PCM), Intelligent Peripheral Equipment(IPE) converts analog signals to digital signals before switching isperformed by the network. This conversion method samples theamplitude of the analog signal at a rate of twice the highest signalfrequency, then converts the amplitude into a series of coded pulses. Fortelecommunications, the PCM-sampling frequency standard is 8 kHz.Compressing-expanding (companding) PCM is a standard techniquefor using 8-bit words to efficiently represent the range of voice and datasignals. Two standards for companding, A-Law and μ-Law, are recognizedworldwide. IPE conforms to both standards; the standard required isselected through software.Nortel Communication Server 1000Communication Server 1000M and Meridian 1 Large System OverviewNN43021-110 02.05 Standard30 September 2008Copyright © 2003-2008 Nortel Networks.