About the Nortel IP Phone 1140E17When a message is waiting, the red VisualAlerter/Message Waiting indicator lights.Also, when the ringer sounds, this indicatorflashes.When your IP Phone 1140E firmware isbeing updated, the blue Feature StatusLamp indicator flashes.To find out if additional features aresupported for this lamp, contact youradministrator.Press the Copy Key to copy entries to yourPersonal Directory from other lists, such asthe Caller List, Redial List, and CorporateDirectory.Press the Quit/Stop key to exit an activemenu or dialog. Pressing the Quit/Stop keydoes not affect the status of active calls.Press the Shift/Outbox key to togglebetween two feature key pages and toaccess an additional six lines/features.This function is not available on all phones;consult your system administrator.Press the Message/Inbox key to accessyour voice mailbox.This function is not available on all phones;consult your system administrator.(Copy)(Quit)(Shift/Outbox)(Msg/Inbox)