Additional phone features127Using Virtual OfficeThe Virtual Office feature provides a service you can use while you areaway from your desk to transfer calls, and all your office telephonefeatures, to a remote telephone. Virtual Office makes this possible byallowing you to use another IP Phone (the Remote phone) to log in toyour own home or office IP Phone (the Office phone). After you log in, youcan access the DNs, autodial numbers, key layout, feature keys, andvoicemail features that are configured on your own home or office IPPhone.To use Virtual Office, you need your DN and preconfigured StationControl Password (SCPW). You must activate Virtual Office on yourOffice phone before you can connect to it from a Remote phone. See“Logging in to Virtual Office” on page 128.Note: Consult your system administrator to verify if the Virtual Officefeature is available for your use.You can use an IP Phone as a Remote phone to connect to yourIP Phone 1140E even if it is a different IP Phone model. Table 7 showsthe IP Phones on which you can use Virtual Office to connect to yourIP Phone 1140E.Table 7: Virtual Office connection availabilityUsing IP Phone Possible to log in to the 1140E?IP Phone 1120E Yes, with restrictionsIP Phone 1140E YesIP Phone 2001 Yes, with restrictionsIP SoftPhone 2033 Yes, with restrictionsIP Phone 2002 YesIP Phone 2004 YesIP SoftPhone 2050 Yes, with restrictionsIP Phone 2007 Yes