While on an active call86Using Attendant RecallUse the Attendant Recall feature to contact an attendant during a call andto connect the caller to the attendant.To contact the attendant while on a call:Using Call ParkUse the Call Park feature to hold temporarily (park) and retrieve a callfrom any telephone. Using Call Park does not tie up a line. Whenconfigured network-wide, Call Park can be used across networks. ASystem Park extension can be configured to automatically park mostcalls.or2. Choose one of the following:— Press the Transfer soft key andrepeat the transfer.— If the transfer is picked up while youare on the line, press the Goodbyekey to complete the transfer.1. Press the Attendant Recall key andstay on the line until the attendantanswers.2. Press the Goodbye key. The callerremains connected to the attendant.Trans(Goodbye)AttRcl(Goodbye)