Talking with more than one person103the conference feature supports depends on the configuration of your IPPhone.To set up a conference call:If the person you attempt to add to the conference is unavailable:1. While on a call, press the Conferencesoft key to place the party on hold. Youhear a dial tone.2. Dial the number of the person you wantto add to the conference call. You cantalk privately to the person you areadding at this time.Note: Instead of dialing a number, youcan press the Directory key, and usethe Corporate Directory or PersonalDirectory, Redial List, and Callers Listto find and dial the number of the personyou want to add to the conference call.3. Press the Conference soft key a secondtime to conference all parties together.1. Press the Goodbye key.2. Press the line (DN) key beside theflashing status icon to return to youroriginal call .ConfConf(Goodbye)