E-mail8810. Enter the subject.For more information, see “Entering text using the dialpad” onpage 26.11. Press OK.The Write window appears.12. Write your e-mail.Attention: Save time by inserting a sentence from stored templates.For more information, see “Inserting e-mail templates” onpage 89.13. After you write your e-mail, press OPTIONS.The Options menu appears.14. Select To.ORTo Cc or Bcc your e-mail, press Cc or Bcc.15. Press OK.The To address window or Cc, Bcc window appears. The Phonebookand Back soft keys appear.16. Use the dialpad to enter the destination e-mail address.ORTo select a stored address from the Phonebook, pressPHONEBOOK.Note: The Phonebook displays the contacts whose entries include ane-mail address.17. Press OK.18. To add more destination addresses, press OPTIONS and repeatsteps 14 to 17.19. To send the e-mail, you must return to the original E-mail Optionswindow. Press BACK, not OPTIONS.Attention: OPTIONS displays the list of address options, notE-mail options. To access the Send option, you must press the BACKsoft key.