Index147IndexAAbout the IP Phone 2002 11Answer a call 68Attendant 139Attendant Recall 72AutoDial 60, 139AutoDial Transfer 97Automatic Answerback 78Automatic Wake-Up 129BBasic features 11Buzz feature 98CCall features and Flexible FeatureCodes 19Call Forward 83Call Join 89Call Page 99Call Page Connect 99Call Park 73Call Pickup 78Call Timer 40Call Waiting 81Callers List 58, 139Calling Party Name Display (CP-ND) 139Calling Party Number 75Camp-on, Forced 105Cat 5 139Centrex/Exchange Line Switch-hook Flash 100Change feature key labels 42Charge a call or charge a forcedcall 100Communication Server 1000 139Conferee Selectable Display andDisconnect 92Conference call 90Configure area Code set-up 48Configure call log options 44Configure Callers List log 45Configure Name Display format 50Configure New Call indication 46Configure options 26Configure Preferred Name Match47Connect the components 24Contrast adjustment 34Corporate Directory 56DDate/Time display 139Date/Time format 36Directory applications 55Directory key 16, 139Directory Number (DN) 140Display diagnostics 37Display incoming calls 76Display Network Diagnostics Utili-ties 15