Getting started 5IP Phone 2004 User GuideLeave Message button (programmable memory button #09)Allows you to send voice mail messages. For more information on voicemail messaging, refer to your CallPilot Quick Reference Card.Navigation cluster buttonsAllows you to view items stored in your Call Log. For more information onthe Call Log feature, refer to “Navigation buttons” on page 11.Feature Feature buttonStarts or ends a feature.Display buttonsShows feature options.Line and Memory buttonsFor more information on line and memory buttons, refer to “Programmemory buttons” on page 12.Telephone lightFlashes when a call rings at the telephone.Lights up when Message for you appears on the display.Programmable memory button #07(Default: Blank)Default Services button (programmable memory button #10)Default access to scrollable feature display menu, including the hotdesking feature.Programmable memory button #11(Default: Blank)Programmable memory button #12(Default: Blank)The following buttons are reserved for future development, and are therefore not yet implemented.PC Expansion buttonHIJKLMNOQRP