131000BASE-ZXThe Model 1000BASE-ZX GBIC provides Gigabit Ethernetconnectivity using SC duplex single-mode fiber connectors.High-performance optical transceivers enable Gigabit Ethernetlink distances up to 70 km over single-mode fiber cable. Theports operate in full-duplex mode only.Table 6 describes standards, connectors, cabling, and distance forthe Model 1000BASE-ZX GBIC.Note: The 1000BASE-ZX Model GBIC is based onproprietary signaling. Nortel Networks recommends thatthis product be used only with other Nortel Networks1000BASE-ZX GBICs.Table 6 1000BASE-ZX GBIC specificationsType SpecificationsStandards Conformity to the following standards:802.3z, Ethernet full duplexConnectors Duplex SC single-mode fiber optic connectorCabling Single-mode fiber cableDistance Up to 70 km using single-mode fiber cable,depending on the quality of the fiberOptical Budget 22 dBLaser Transmitter CharacteristicsWavelength 1550 ± 10 nmMaximum spectral width 0.2 nmMaximum launch power 5 dBm or 3.0 mWMinimum launch power 0 dBm