Model 5399 Remote Access Concentrator Network Administrator’s Guide for UNIXChapter 2 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)A-112Book ATable B-44. Alarm Trap MIB Objects (continued)MIB Object Name DescriptionwanLofcThreshTrap This trap is generated when the number ofloss of frame count errors equals or exceedsthe threshold defined bywanLofcThreshold.wanLofcClearTrap This trap is generated when a 15 minuteinterval has terminated without the numberof loss of frame count errors meeting orexceeding wanLofcThreshold.wanCssThreshTrap This trap is generated when the number ofcontrolled slip seconds errors equals orexceeds the threshold defined bywanCssThreshold.wanCssClearTrap This trap is generated when a 15 minuteinterval has terminated without the numberof controlled slip seconds meeting orexceeding wanCssThreshold.wanFailWanTrap This trap is generated when a WAN modulefails initialization procedures.modemUnavailableTrap This trap is generated when no modems areavailable to handle an incoming call.ds0ErrorThresholdTrap This trap is generated when the number ofconsecutive failures meets or exceedsds0ErrorThreshold.