Model 5399 Remote Access Concentrator Network Administrator’s Guide for UNIXChapter 2 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)A-70Book AParameters vs. Private Enterprise MIBThe private enterprise MIB file provides the object descriptions for thehardware, software, ports, parameters, and commands groups for allRemote Annex products including the 5399 RAC.The 5399 RAC supports a subset of the private MIB objects. Forexample, objects related to parallel ports are not supported by the5399 RAC.Location of Private MIB FilesThe standard MIBs reside in the /annex_root/src/snmp directory.Private MIB FilenamesThe software distribution provides this information in Table B-23.Table B-23. Private MIB Filenames(continued on next page)MIB FIlename Descriptionxylo.smi Describes the structure of Bay NetworksRemote Annex management information bases.xylo-ports.mib Contains all MIB object groups related to themanagement and configuration of ports.xylo-anx.mib Contains all MIB objects related to configuringthe 5399 RAC and other Remote Annexproducts (i.e, Annex-wide configurationsettings).xylo-protocol.mib Contains all of the protocol-related private MIBgroups.xylo-wan.mib Contains all of the MIB objects related toWANs.