Page 34 of 46 Install ISDN BRI hardware553-3901-200 Standard 7.00 January 2002Table 6NT8D37 IPE moduleSILC and UILC pair-terminations for connectors C, G, M, T (12-cable configuration)Port signalsPairs Pair colorI/O panel connectors CardportSILC UILC C G M T4Tx - / 4Tx +4Rx + / 4Rx -4T / 4R 26 / 127 / 2W-BL / BL-WW-O / O-Wslot 2 slot 6 slot 10 slot 14 45Tx - / 5Tx +5Rx + / 5Rx -5T / 5R 28 / 329 / 4W-G / G-WW-BR / BR-W56Tx - / 6Tx +6Rx + / 6Rx -6T / 6R 30 / 531 / 6W-S / S-WR-BL / BL-R67Tx - / 7Tx +7Rx + / 7Rx -7T / 7R 32 / 733 / 8R-O / O-RR-G / G-R70Tx - / 0Tx +0Rx + / 0Rx -0T / 0R 34 / 935 / 10R-BR / BR-RR-S / S-Rslot 3 slot 7 slot 11 slot 15 01Tx - / 1Tx +1Rx + / 1Rx -1T / 1R 36 / 1137 / 12BK-BL / BL-BKBK-O / O-BK12Tx - / 2Tx +2Rx + / 2Rx -2T / 2R 38 / 1339 / 14BK-G / G-BKBK-BR / BK-BR23Tx - / 3Tx +3Rx + / 3Rx -3T / 3R 40 / 1541 / 16BK-S / S-BKY-BL / BL-Y34Tx - / 4Tx +4Rx + / 4Rx -4T / 4R 42 / 1743 / 18Y-O / O-YY-G / G-Y45Tx - / 5Tx +5Rx + / 5Rx -5T / 5R 44 / 1945 / 20Y-BR / BR-YY-S / S-Y56Tx - / 6Tx +6Rx + / 6Rx -6T / 6R 46 / 2147 / 22V-BL / BL-VV-O / V-O67Tx - / 7Tx +7Rx + / 7Rx -7T / 7R 48 / 2349 / 24V-G / G-VV-BR / BR-V7