Analog Telephone User Guide 5User GuideFeature ListUse this list to review all available features for your telephone.Call Forward LINK •› Cancel: LINK £›Directs your calls to another telephone connected to your system. PressLINK •› followed by the extension number of the telephone to receive theforwarded calls.Call Park LINK •‡›Parks the call on hold and allows it to be retrieved from any other telephonewithin the system. When the call park is successful, you hear a confirmationtone and the call is parked on the highest numbered park code in the system.If call park is unsuccessful, you hear an error tone and remain connected withthe call.To retrieve a parked call: Lift the handset and dial the retrieval code.Contact system administrator for a list of park codes.Call Pickup,directedLINK •‡fl and the extension number of the ringing telephone.Allows you to answer any ringing telephone in your system.Call Pickup,groupLINK •‡fiAllows you to answer any ringing telephone within your pickup group.Call Queuing LINK •°‚⁄Allows you to answer the next call. If more than one call is waiting, priority isgiven to incoming external calls over callback, camped, or transferred calls.Camp-on LINK •°¤ and the extension numberAllows you to re-route a call to another telephone even if all its lines are busy.