Glossary 171Nortel VPN Router Configuration — Basic FeaturesRouting Information Protocol (RIP)A distance vector, as opposed to link state, routing protocol.RSA digital signatureA public-key encryptographic system that may be used for encryption andauthentication.serverA provider of resources, such as file servers and name servers.Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)The Internet standard protocol developed to manage nodes on an IP network.split horizonA method that RIP uses to avoid routing problems caused by including routesin updates sent back to the VPN Router from which they were learned. Thesimple split horizon scheme omits routes learned from one neighbor inupdates sent back to that neighbor. An extension to this method is called splithorizon with poisoned reverse. It includes the learned routes, but assigns thema cost of infinity, which causes an update.static routesRoutes that are manually configured in the switch's routing table.stub networkA network that only carries packets to and from local hosts. Even if it haspaths to more than one other network, it does not carry traffic for othernetworks.subnetA portion of a network, which may be a physically independent networksegment, that shares a network address with other portions of the network andis distinguished by a subnet number.TelnetA command protocol used to establish login sessions on a remote host.triggered update