61Talk with more than one personTo answer a Group Call:Press the Individual Line (DN) Keybeside the flashing LCD indicator.Note 1: If you are on a call and youreceive three 10-second tones, this is thenotification of a group call on your currentextension.Note 2: If you are on a call on anotherIndividual Line (DN) on your telephonewhen a group call is made, you receive along tone through the handset or headset.Note 3: You do not receive notification ofa group call if you are already on aconference call or another group call.To end a Group Call:/ Press the Goodbye Key.Note: When the person who made thegroup call disconnects, the call terminatesfor all members of the group. However, themembers of the Group Call can disconnectfrom the call and not affect other memberson the call.2637Goodbye