Chapter 7 — Meridian Modular Telephones Page 61 of 136Meridian 1 Option 11C Compact Technical Reference Guide• buzz• on-hook dialingWhen the telephone is disconnected, all volume levels will return to defaultvalues upon reconnection.When the telephone is operating on loop power alone, the highest (eighth)step in volume cannot be reached (as seen when using Display in Programmode).Message Waiting lampEach Meridian Modular Telephone has a red triangle in the upper right-handcorner that lights brightly to indicate a message is waiting. This LED is theprimary message waiting indicator and lets you know a message is waitingregardless of whether the telephone has a message waiting key/lamp pair.You must have Message Waiting CCOS configured.If you do assign a message waiting key/lamp pair, there will be twoindications of a message waiting:• the red Message Waiting triangle lights, and• the LCD associated with the Message Waiting key flashes.You may assign an Autodial key that dials the message center (or voice mailsystem) to avoid the double indication, or have no key/lamp pair assigned tothe message center.The Message Waiting lamp is also used to indicate security of the M2016S.The red LED triangle lights steadily when the phone is not secure (handset isoff-hook, phone is ringing or any time the handset/piezo relays areconnected). The red LED triangle blinks when a message is waiting.Handsfree (M2616 only)Handsfree (if software assigned), allows the user to talk to another partywithout lifting the handset. Activate Handsfree by depressing theHandsfree/mute key (key 15, top left) or by selecting a DN without lifting thehandset. Once Handsfree is activated, it can be deactivated by picking up thehandset or by ending the call using the Release (Rls) key. If Handsfree is notsoftware assigned, you can assign any other feature to key 15.