Chapter 7 — Meridian Modular Telephones Page 63 of 136Meridian 1 Option 11C Compact Technical Reference GuideNote: If the set is equipped with a Display or Meridian ProgrammableData Adapter, the number of programmable keys is reduced by one, askey 07 (key 05 on M2006) automatically becomes the Program key.Optional equipmentThe modular design of the digital telephones described in this documentmakes adding hardware options easy (see Figure 10 on page 66). Below is alist of hardware you can add to Meridian Modular Telephones.Display ModuleA two line by 24 character Display Module provides system prompts,feedback on active features and valuable calling party information. Inaddition, you can modify various set features such as volume and screencontrast using the Program key (top right function key). You can enable a CallTimer which times calls made or received on the prime DN.The Display Module requires a Power Supply Board on M2008 (see “Powerrequirements” on page 70).There are two types of Display Module available:• North American Display—supports normal business features in twolanguages, English and Quebec French.• Special Applications Display—supports the following features:— Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)— six languages (English, Quebec French, Parisian French, German,Spanish, Dutch)A Special Applications Display Module comes as standard equipment on theM2216ACD telephones. M2008 or M2616 telephones used as ACDtelephones require the Special Applications Display.Note: It is possible to adjust the Display screen contrast so that it is toolight or too dark to read. If you cannot read the Display, disconnect andthen reconnect the line cord to return to the default settings.