- 305 -Hardware proceduresNortel Multiservice Switch 7400Hardware Installation, Maintenance, and UpgradeNN10600-175 7.1S1 StandardPCR7.1 and up October 2005Copyright © 2005, Nortel Nortel Confidential— the identification of the hardware unit, especially if there is more thanone kind of unit with the same type of connectors installed in the samemounting apparatus, for example, NTJS95 for a 19-inch DS1 or E1MSA32 or MSA8 RJ-45 termination panel— the location of the hardware unit relative to other units in the samemounting apparatus, for example, NTJS95 number 4 with theunderstanding that you always count from the top or bottom of thestack— the connector identification on the unit— the direction of the connection as Tx or Rx— any other information that ensures a unique connection, for example,if the unit is replaced or redeployed• When cabling a termination panel, especially a sparing panel, theconnections between the sparing panel, the electrical FPs, and allequipment up to the far-end connection are intended to be Tx-to-Tx andRx-to-Rx with Multiservice Switch equipment. When the Tx-to-Rxcombinations get crisscrossed between an FP, a termination panel, andthe far-end termination, the effect of one error nullifying another canestablish a workable connection. It is important that you label theconnection information of each Tx and Rx connection onto the end of thecable at each break in the cable path.• Create a site record of the port-to-port connection information.• You need cable labels that are large enough to accommodate the amountof connection information you require. The installed labels must notinterfere with the operation or handling of cables for maintenance tasks.The labels must be robust enough to withstand occasional handling.Procedure stepsStep Action1 Determine the port-to-port connections from the near end of the CP or FPcard up to its far end interface.2 Create the labels, each with its unique connection identification information.3 On a cable at the CP or FP end, attach a label where it can be seen withminimal handling of cables. Since fiber optical cables are extremelysensitive to handling, you may want to stagger the labels along the clusterof cables.Ensure that you know exactly where the other end of the cable is so that itgets a mirror label.4 Attach a mirror label at the other end of the card cable. With duplex cables,ensure that you label the appropriate half.