MVC 2050 Call Handling screen34Note 1: Select Keys > Features to view menu items that are exactequivalents to tapping these Toolbar icons.Note 2: Volume Up, Volume Down, and Mute (which are coveredwhen the Toolbar is shown) also are repeated on the Toolbar.DirectoryThe Directory icon, depending on how your system administrator has setup this service, allows access to a local directory, the Personal Directorywith up to 100 entries, Password Administration, or some other server-based directory service.Select the Directory icon to place a call. Directory accessibility dependson the system to which you are connected.Inbox/MessagesSelect the Inbox/Messages icon to access your messages, or to return acall.Outbox/ShiftSelect the Outbox/Shift icon to shift between sets of programmable line/feature keys.ServicesSelect the Services icon to access a list of network services.ExpandSelect the Expand icon to access additional services, depending on thesystem to which you are connected.CopySelect Copy to add contacts to the Personal Directory by copying entriesfrom the Redial List, the Callers List, or other directory applications.Availability of the Copy feature depends on which type of communicationserver to which you are connected, and on how your system administratorhas set up the Directory service.Note: If you are creating multiple entries in the Personal Directory,you can make and edit multiple copies in an existing entry.