Additional call features121To use Privacy Release in an established state:Using Radio PageUse the Radio Page feature to page a person and stay on the line untilthey answer. The paged person answers the call after entering a specialPage Meet-me code from any IP Phone.To use Automatic Preselection (Meet-me page):Press the Privacy Release soft keyduring a call. People can join the call bypressing the shared number (DN) key ontheir IP Phone (Multiple Appearance DNfeature).1. Lift the handset.2. Dial the Radio Paging Access FFC.The paging tone sounds (two beepsfollowed by a dial tone).3. Dial the number of the party you want topage. After dialing, the ringback tonesounds.The paged person can use any IP Phoneto enter a Radio Paging Answer FFC,plus their own DN number.PrvRls