1Regular telephoneThe Meridian 1* is designed to provideflexible use of business telephones. Itis capable of a number ofsophisticated operations such assetting up conference calls, allowingyou to answer someone else’s calls,or even notifying you when a numberyou have tried is no longer busy.Some of the features have beenassigned to your phone. The featureson your telephone have been selectedto reflect your specific telephoneneeds. If you want to have somefeatures removed or others added,contact your System Administrator.Terms you should knowAttendant—the attendant is atelephone operator in your organization.Directory Number (DN)—a DN is anyextension on a telephone. A DN canhave up to seven digits.Flash the switchhook—If you pressand release the switchhook veryquickly, your call is not disconnected.Instead, you send a message to thesystem, usually followed by dialing acode.Flexible Feature Codes (FFCs)— Inaddition to SPRE codes, your systemmay use FFCs to activate features.Because FFCs can vary from system tosystem, they are not provided in thisguide. Your System Administrator cantell you the FFCs available to you.LINK—If your telephone has a LINKbutton, you can press LINK instead offlashing the switchhook. You send amessage to the system, usuallyfollowed by dialing a code.Meridian 1—the Meridian 1 is youroffice communications system.Pushbutton telephones—thepushbutton telephones referred to inthis guide are the 2500, Link and Unitytelephones.Ringback—ringback is the sound youhear when a call you’ve made isringing at its destination.Rotary dial telephones—the rotarydial telephone referred to in this guideis the 500 telephone.Introduction* Meridian 1 is a trademark of Northern Telecom.