458 Remote Office 9150Planning forms Standard 1.0Meridian Internet Gateway Reach Line CardSystem expansion worksheetPage 1 of 2Complete one worksheet for each MIG RLC.1 How many remote users will be supported?Notes: Up to 16 users can be connected to the NTDR68AA Line Card. Up to 32users can be connected to the NTDR70AA or NTDR71AA Line Cards. If ATAs or MCAs will be used to transmit data, up to four ATAs or MCAscan be supported on the NTDR68AA Line Card. Up to seven ATAs orMCAs can be supported on the NTDR70AA or NTDR71AA Line Cards.Each ATA requires the resources of one DSP channel for datatransmission. ___________2 Do you want to implement call blocking? (Users will receive afast busy signal when resources are not available.)❒ Yes ❒ No3 If line 7 is Yes, calculate the number of calls that can be active at one time.Note: A conservative estimate of one call in three being blocked when noresources are available is recommended.)Multiply line 1 by your call blocking factor. For example, to calculate the numberof simultaneous calls that can be supported at a 3 to 2 blocking ratio, multiplyline 1 by 2/3 (0.666). If the result contains a fraction, round up to a wholenumber.Line 1: _________ x ___________ = _______________If line 7 is No, the number of simultaneous calls is the same as the number ofuser stations installed. (Record your response to line 1 here.) ___________Number of DSP application modules neededNotes: If the MIG RLC supports only one Remote Office 9150 unit, the number of DSP applicationmodules installed on the MIG RLC must be the same as the number of modules installed on theRemote Office 9150 unit. If the MIG RLC is supporting more than one site, the number of DSP applications modules youneed must support the voice processing capability for all sites combined.4 Divide line 8 by 8, then round up the result to a whole number.Line 8: _____________ / 8 = _______________ ___________