17Always follow these general safety rules whenfueling:1) Turn pressure washer off and allow to cool for atleast two minutes before removing any fuel cap.Note: A running or still-hot engine is hot enough toignite fuel.2) Fill fuel tank OUTDOORS – never indoors. Fuelvapors can ignite if they collect inside and enclosureand explosion can result.3) Stay away from all sources of heat, sparks, andflames. Do not smoke.4) Never pump fuel directly into the gas tank at a gasstation – it could cause a static electric spark.Follow these steps to avoid static electric sparkingduring fueling: Use an approved portable container to transferfuel to the pressure washer's tank. (A portablecontainer made of metal or conductive plastic ispreferred because it dissipates charge to groundmore readily.) Always place container on the ground to befilled. Never fill the portable gas container whileit is sitting inside a vehicle, trailer, trunk, or pick-up truck bed. Dissipate static charge from your body beforebeginning the fueling process by touching agrounded metal object at a safe distance fromfuel sources. Keep nozzle in contact with container whilefilling. Do not use a nozzle lock-open device.5) Clean up fuel spills/splashes immediately. If possible, move the pressure washer awayfrom spilled fuel on the ground. Wipe up spilled fuel and wait 5 minutes forexcess fuel to evaporate before starting engine. Fuel soaked rags are flammable and should bedisposed of properly. If fuel is spilled on your skin or clothes, changeclothes and wash skin immediately.Fill Engine Fuel TankCheck the gasoline tank level. If needed, fill tankwith fresh unleaded gasoline from a portable container:1) Remove engine gas cap.2) Add gasoline through the fill opening:- Use only a UL-listed portable gasoline container totransfer the gasoline to engine's tank.- Do NOT overfill the gasoline tank. Allow at least1/2" of empty space below the fill neck to allow forfuel expansion.3) Replace gas cap securely before starting engine.4) Store extra gasoline in a cool, dry place in a ULapproved tightly sealed container.Inspect Fuel System/Check for LeaksInspect the engine fuel system and check for leaksbefore each use.Do not start pressure washer until all needed repairshave been completed.WARNING: Fuel Leak HazardGasoline fuel is highly explosive and fuel leakscan result in fire or explosions. You can beburned and seriously injured if the fuel system isnot properly hooked up or there is a fuel leakwhen you start the engine.Inspect the entire fuel system. Look for: signs of leaks or deterioration chafed or spongy fuel hose loose connections loose or missing fuel hose clamps damaged fuel tank or defective gasoline shut-off valveInspect Spray SystemAlways inspect spray system for damage and leaksbefore each use. Do not start pressure washer until allneeded repairs have been completed.