User Manual of Digital Video Recorder131.1 Front PanelsFigure 1. 1 Front PanelTable 1. 1 Description of Front PanelNo. Name Function Description1POWER Power indicator turns yellow when the device s running.STATUSStatus indicator blinks red when data is being read from orwritten to HDD, and turns yellow when the SHIFT function isrealized.Tx/Rx Tx/Rx indictor blinks yellow when network connection isfunctioning properly.2 CompositeKeysSHIFT Switch between the numeric or letter input and functions of thecomposite keys.1/MENU Enter numeral “1”;Access the main menu interface.2/ABC/F1Enter numeral “2”;Enter letters “ABC”;The F1 button when used in a list field will select all items inthe list.In PTZ Control mode, it will turn on/off PTZ light and whenthe image is zoomed in, the key is used to zoom out.In live view or playback mode, the F1 button can be used toswitch between main and spot video output.3/DEF/F2Enter numeral “3”;Enter letters “DEF”;The F2 button is used to change the tab pages.In PTZ control mode, it zooms in the image.4/GHI/ESCEnter numeral “4”;Enter letters “GHI”;Exit and back to the previous menu.5/JKL/EDITEnter numeral “5”;Enter letters “JKL”;Delete characters before cursor;Check the checkbox and select the ON/OFF switch;Start/stop record clipping in playback.6/MNO/PLAYEnter numeral “6”;Enter letters “MNO”;In Playback mode, it is used for direct access to playback