Filter SectionThe Filter can be used as a Low Pass, High Pass or Band Pass type.FREQUENCY KnobThis controls the basic Cut off frequency of the Filter. The Low Pass typeof Filter is the most common type of Filter found on classic analogue syn-thesizers and is musically the most useful, especially for bass sounds. Asthe FREQUENCY knob is adjusted anticlockwise, harmonics are graduallyremoved from the sound. When almost closed, only the fundamental fre-quency remains. Fully closed and no sound at all passes.With the High Pass Filter type, as the FREQUENCY knob is adjustedclockwise, harmonics are gradually removed from the sound. Whenalmost fully anticlockwise, only the fundamental frequency remains. WhenFully clockwise and no sound at all passes.With the Band Pass Filter type, a narrow band of frequencies are passed,centered on the position of the FREQUENCY knob. This kind of Filter isuseful when it is desired to pass only a specific frequency present in asound.RESONANCE KnobThis knob controls the Resonance of the Filter. The control will boost fre-quencies at the Cut off frequency. On on some synthesizers, this controlis known as Emphasis since it will emphasize certain frequencies. At thezero position there is no effect. Turning clockwise slowly introduces theemphasis.Set fully clockwise, the Filter will begin to self - oscillate, producing a newpitched element (similar to feedback on an electric guitar).Note : At least a small signal must be fed into the Filter in order for theresonance to take effect. It is not possible for the filter to self - oscillate ifno signal at all is fed into it.If the KS 4 / KS 5 produces a high pitched whistling sound, it is probablydue to this knob is being adjusted too far clockwise. If this self-oscillatingeffect is not desired, keep the Resonance control away from the extremeclockwise setting. Increasing the Resonance is very good for bringing outmodulation (movement or change) in the filter Cut off frequency, such asin Acid bass lines and other very edgy sounds.OVERDRIVE KnobThis knob controls how much the filter is overdriven. When used in largeamounts it will have the effect of making the sound richer and slightly dis-torted.MOD ENV DEPTH KnobControls the amount of change to the filter Cut off (set by the FREQUEN-CY knob) by the Modulation Envelope. In its central position there is nochange to the filter Cut off frequency. Adjusting the knob anticlockwisefrom centre will introduce an increasing amount of negative modulation.The filter will close as the MOD ENV runs through its cycle. Adjusting theknob clockwise from centre will introduce an increasing amount of posi tivemodulation. The filter will be opened by the MOD ENV.SLOPE ButtonControls how drastically the frequencies above (Low Pass), below (HighPass) or around (Band Pass) the Cut off point are removed from thesound. When the 12dB position is selected, the Cut off slope is gentle sohigher harmonics are not attenuated (reduced in volume) as sharply asthey are when the 24dB position is selected.TYPE ButtonDetermines whether the Filter is acting as a Low Pass, High Pass or BandPass type.LFO 2 DEPTH KnobControls the amount of change to the filter Cut off (set by the FREQUEN-CY knob) by LFO 2. In its central position there is no change to the filterCut off frequency. Adjusting the knob anticlockwise from centre will intro-duce an increasing amount of negative modulation. The Filter will closeand open in time with LFO2 (this creates the popular wow wow effect ofLFO2 wavefrom is set to Triangle).Adjusting the knob clockwise from centre will introduce an increasingamount of positive modulation. The filter will open and close in time withLFO 2.NOTE : An external audio signal such as a microphone, guitar or CD play-er may be processed by the filter and effects. Refer to Page 51 in theAdvanced Features Chapter for more details on setting up this feature.More functions associated with the Filter can be found in the Filter Menu.See Page 37.MAIN FEATURES AND OPERATIONFilter Section• 24 •