GroupWise System Operations 67novdocx (en) 11 December 20074.9.2 Updating a Software Distribution Directory1 Click Tools > GroupWise System Operations > Software Directory Management to display theSoftware Distribution Directory Management dialog box.The Software Distribution Directories list includes all software distribution directories definedin your GroupWise system.2 Select the software distribution directory to update, then click Update to display the UpdateSoftware Distribution Directory dialog box.3 Fill in the following fields:Update by Copying From: Select this option, then choose from the following sourcelocations: Software Distribution Directory: If you want to copy software from an existing softwaredistribution directory, select this option, then select the software distribution directory. Allfiles and subdirectories are copied. Path: If you want to copy software from a location, that is not defined as a softwaredistribution directory in your GroupWise system (such as the GroupWise CDs), select thisoption, then browse for and select the correct path.Force Auto-Update Check by GroupWise Components: This option causes the GroupWisePost Office Agent (in client/server access mode) or the GroupWise client (in direct accessmode) to check the software distribution directory for a new version of the GroupWise client; ifa new version is found, the next time a user starts the GroupWise client, he or she is promptedto update the client software.The Force Auto-Update Check by GroupWise Components option is automatically selectedwhen you select the Update by Copying From option. If you don’t select the Update byCopying From option, you can still select this option and then click OK. This forces an auto-