page 12AC0001VACUUM POWER CONTROLThe wand end of the deluxe hoses is equipped with a controlring to regulate suction. The control ring covers a “bleeder”hole. Open the hole to reduce the suction for cleaningdraperies, small rugs, and other light fabrics. Some very thick,plush carpets with high density yarns also require reducedsuction to make the nozzle easier to push. Be sure to close thecontrol ring completely over the hole to produce the maximumpower required for most other cleaning tasks.WHEN TO EMPTY THE DEBRIS PAILNuTone model VX475CC has a single indicator light thatremains green. The level of pail fill for this model can bedetermined by either viewing through the window on the pail orreleasing the carry handles and checking the level of debris inthe pail.NuTone models VX550CC and VX1040CC have the LEDindicators that show the status of the level of debris in the pail.The first three lights remain green as pail fills. The fourth lightis amber and will come on to alert you that the pail is nearlyfull. When the fifth light turns red it is time to empty the pail(see CONTROL PANEL DIAGRAM A below).EMPTYING THE DEBRIS PAILYour power unit has a permanent filter that is self cleaningunder normal conditions. The filter protects the motor andstops small dirt particles from escaping to the outside of thepower unit. The filter cleans itself by moving up when thepower unit starts, and dropping down when the unit is turnedoff. The filter can be removed by means of a pull-tab forcleaning if desired. Be sure to reinstall properly. Correctplacement is critical to insure proper protection for the motor.1. Release both carry handles on side of the unit by pullingout and then pushing up. (Fig. 10). Holding the pail by thehandles, lower it from unit (Fig. 11).2. Carry pail to trash receptacle and empty.3. Reattach pail using handles.4. Push Reset button on control panel. Light on control panelwill change to green on NuTone models VX550CC andVX1040CC.Utility valve (circled in Fig. 11), next to power unit, can beused to service area around where power unit is installed.GREEN ONLYNuTone VX475CCManually checkpail to determinefill level.GREEN AMBER R ED R ESETNuTone VX550CCand VX1040CCTimed pailfull indicatorsCONTROL PANEL DIAGRAM AAR0001 AR0002FOR ALL MODELSFIG. 10 FIG. 11