38ENGLISH7. PROGRAMMING Appia V7.1 PROGRAMMINGDOSESTo access the programming units, proceed asfollows:NOTE: the procedure can be carried out withthe machine on.• To enter the programming function for eachgroup, it is necessary to hold down the con-tinued delivery key for 5 seconds• The delivery keys will begin to flash.• Accessing the programming mode for thefirst group also enables the setting mode forthe machine's operating parameters.7.2 PROGRAMMING COF-FEE DOSESTo programme the amount of water for each ofthe delivery keys, proceed as follows:• fill the filter holder with the right amount ofcoffee (the double or single filter holder canbe used, according to the key to be pro-grammed).• Place the filter holder in the group.• Press one of the delivery keys:• The machine will begin to dispense andonce the required quantity has been delive-red, press the continued key . .• Delivery will cease and the selected dosekey will switch off (the other keys will conti-nue to flash).• Press the continued key to exitthe programming function or to continueprogramming other dose keysNOTE: This procedure can be used for allgroups on the machine, although itmust be performed on one group at atime; the other groups will continue tooperate as normal.7.3 PROGRAMMING HOTWATER• Use the relevant procedure to enter the pro-gramming function.• Press the hot water selection key .• Hot water delivery will begin.• Decide the required amount of hot waterand then press the key again• Press the continued key to exitthe programming function or to continueprogramming other selection keys.7.4 PROGRAMMING THECUP WARMER (optio-nal)• Enter the programming mode for the firstgroup following the usual procedure.• Press the cup warmer select key .• The delivery buttons for the first and secondgroup will respectively show the automaticswitch on and off times, while the continuouskeys for the first and second groupwill flash.As shown in the table, each of the deliverykeys has an associated value; the switch ontime for the cup warmer is given by sum-ming the values for the lit keys of the firstgroup. The same calculation method isused for the switch off time of the cup war-mer, using the keys of the second group.Key Group 1(on time)Group 2(off time)2 min.4 min.8 min.16 min.5 min.10 min.20 min.40 min.