- 54 -7. NETWORKThe DVR utilizes widely available broadband internet connections such as T1, Cable, and DSL toallow remote access, monitoring and control of the DVR in a relatively reliable manner.7.1 IP SETUP7.1.1 CONFIGSelect from the two types of available IP address types:• STATIC IP: an IP address that remains constant for the duration of the contract of the Internetservice.• DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a service where the IP address is issuedautomatically.7.1.2 IP ADDRESS / NETMASK / GATEWAYIf STATIC IP is selected, this is where the IP address, NETMASK, and GATEWAY are entered, asprovided by the Internet Service Provider or the in-house network administrator.7.1.3 DNS SERVEREnter the DNS SERVER IP address, if STATIC IP option is selected. Otherwise, it will obtain DNSserver address automatically.7.1.4 PORTEnter the connection port for the client program, the Central Management Software (CMS Lite). Thedefault value is 7000.7.1.5 AUTO PORTSelect the ADD button to automatically open ports for router communication.7.1.6 STATUSDisplays the status of AUTO PORT.