311. InstallationThe following is an example of an unattended installation session.Open a CMD console-> Click Start-> Task Manager File-> Run new task-> and enter CMD.Install the driver. Run:MLNX_WinOF2-[Driver/Version]__All_-Arch.exe /S /v/qn[Optional] Manually configure your setup to contain the logs option:MLNX_WinOF2-[Driver/Version]__All_-Arch.exe /S /v/qn /v”/l*vx [LogFile]"[Optional] if you wish to control whether to install ND provider or not (i.e., MT_NDPROPERTYdefault value is True).MLNX_WinOF2-[Driver/Version]__All_Arch.exe /vMT_NDPROPERTY=1[Optional] If you do not wish to upgrade your firmware version (i.e.,MT_SKIPFWUPGRDdefault value is False).MLNX_WinOF2-[Driver/Version]__All_Arch.exe /vMT_SKIPFWUPGRD=1[Optional] If you do not want to install the Rshim driver, run.MLNX_WinOF2__All_Arch.exe /v" MT_DISABLE_RSHIM_INSTALL=1"[Optional] If you want to enable the default configuration for Rivermax, run.MLNX_WinOF2__All_Arch.exe /v"MT_RIVERMAX=1 /l*vx C:\Users\\log.txt "[Optional] If you want to skip the check for unsupported devices, run/MLNX_WinOF2__All_Arch.exe /v" SKIPUNSUPPORTEDDEVCHECK=1"If no reboot options are specified, the installer restarts the computer whenever necessarywithout displaying any prompt or warning to the user.To control the reboots, use the /norestart or /forcerestart standard command-line options.The Rshim driver installanion will fail if a prior Rshim driver is already installed. Thefollowing fail message will be displayed in the log:"ERROR!!! Installation failed due to following errors: MlxRshim drivers installationdisabled and MlxRshim drivers Installed, Please remove the following oem inf filesfrom driver store: "